As I was preparing my recent article on the impact of the President’s stimulus package on Laurens County, I decided to shoot for the stars, so I called the White House for their comments on how the funds could be distributed. Now, I know I’m kind of new to the journalism thing and I tend to get a little overzealous in my writing, but I reasoned that nothing could be gained from not trying.
I will admit up front, in full disclosure, that I was nervous. I pictured in my mind dark colored SUVs pulling into my driveway at any moment and me being whisked away by the Secret Service to some undisclosed location. I decided I better get permission from my boss first and call my wife to tell her there was a possibility I might not be home tonight.
After I said my goodbyes, I picked up the phone and dialed the number. After going through several automated messages, a stern woman answered and asked what I wanted. At this point in the story, I must say that she did not ask my name, but I was prepared to say, “Billy Dunlap.”
Back to the story. When she asked what I wanted, I stammered and asked, “Um, I’m not really sure if I can do this, but I am a reporter for GoLaurens.com in SC, and I would like to speak with someone about how the recovery economic, I mean economic recovery package could impact our state.” To my surprise, she transferred me to someone in media relations. No prison time yet.
The poor guy that I next spoke with was evidently some junior staffer who listened to my question and then transferred me to “someone who could better answer my question.” In hindsight, what happened next is what I believe to be an honest mistake on the staffer’s part, but it completely freaked me out. I have reasoned that he either transferred me to the wrong extension, or someone answered a line they were not supposed to.
Anyway, what went from being “someone who could better answer my question,” turned into me being on the phone with a senior staff member…the White House Press Secretary. At this point, in my mind I went from an undisclosed location to Gitmo. I was waiting for my door to be kicked in and me being front-page news in every major publication in the world in an orange jumpsuit with a black bag over my head. However, it did cross my mind that I could be on Larry King Live.
After the initial shock wore off of both of us, I proceeded to ask my question, and very generously he replied, “I don’t really have time to go into details, but if you will send me an email, I will respond.” I’m still waiting for that email.
So, I guess the moral of the story is: when Barack Obama says he is going to have a more open and transparent government, in the future, I will take him more seriously.